Ty (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 2) Read online

Page 11

  What she needed.

  She slid her leg over the hard plain of Ty's belly, straddling him. Splaying her fingers across his wide pecs, she pushed herself up. His cock, already hard and ready, pressed at the juncture of her thighs.

  Mia let her head fall back as she swiveled her hips, letting the long shaft rub against her opening. Her clit tingled, coming to life with every move. Slick poured out of her, bathing his cock and hips, but this time Mia wasn't the least bit ashamed.

  Why should she be?

  There was nothing wrong with her. Everything was just as it was supposed to be. Everything was so very right.

  Ty locked his gaze with hers as he cupped his hands around her hips. Hunger burned in his eyes. Hunger for pleasure…and something more.

  Mia gasped as he lifted her up, high enough for the tip of his swollen cock to find the entrance of her pussy. Sweet heat filled her as he guided her down his shaft, all the way, until he was completely sheathed inside.

  Dear God, how could she have thought for a second that she needed anything more than this? She was so full. So complete.

  This was heaven.

  Mia took a moment to savor the feeling of her pussy stretching around him, gripping him tight before she began to move.

  Her nerves came alive as the delicious friction between them increased. She felt every inch of him rubbing against her most sensitive parts. The walls of her pussy grew even wetter.

  Mia tried to keep up with the rhythm her body demanded, but the sensations were almost too much. Her legs shook. Her arms trembled. Her sore body struggled to keep itself upright.

  So Ty took over.

  With his hands cupping her hips, he lifted and lowered her again and again, even after Mia gave up control and collapsed against his chest.

  He didn't just keep the tempo—he slowly built it, until Mia was panting and quaking, utterly lost in a tempest of pleasure and need. She wrapped her arms around Ty's neck and held on tight, trusting him to guide her.

  And he did.

  Over and over, he moved inside her until the fire grew too hot. Until it couldn't be contained any longer. And broke free.

  Mia cried out in ecstasy as her already stretched pussy tightened around him, pulsing around his shaft and heightening the sensations.

  She felt him start to swell, straining her insides even further. The pressure of his thick and heavy knot locked them together just before hot sprays of come jetted inside her.

  But it wasn't enough. Not this time.

  This time she needed more.

  She needed to make it clear that he was all she ever wanted. He was all she would ever need. And that no one would ever take him away from her.

  Before his cock stopped spasming inside her, Mia grazed her teeth over the curve of his shoulder. She tasted the salt of his skin, relished the heat and strength of his body.

  And then she bit.

  Pure heaven flowed through her as her teeth sank into his skin, barely noticing the victorious roar that shook the bedroom.

  And then she felt the sting of his bite.

  But it didn't hurt. Not exactly. Instead, just like everything else that had happened between her and Ty, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

  * * *

  She was his.

  Truly and completely.

  Ty had never felt so sated in his life. He'd never known such complete and total victory.

  Mia had given him her claiming bite, not because she'd been coerced into doing it, but because it was what she wanted.

  She'd chosen him. Given herself to him in the way only an omega could, now and forever.

  Ty's only regret was that they didn't have time to bask in the afterglow.

  There were too many people after her, coming after both of them. They didn't have the luxury of lounging in bed all day.

  Ty needed to end this situation and get the bastards out of the Boundarylands for good.

  He reluctantly uncurled his arms from around Mia's slight body the moment his knot eased. As gently as he could manage, he pressed a kiss against her brow.

  "You need to bathe," he said. "We have to go to the bar."

  Mia's eyes widened. "Why?"

  "Because we need to speak to the man who can end this."

  Mia's expression was troubled, but she didn't argue. He felt the weight of responsibility for his precious omega hardening his resolve despite her skepticism.

  He was worried, too.

  But Agent Christie was their only reliable contact in the beta world. He was neither a liar nor a trespasser. So far, he'd been the only beta Ty had ever met who was good to his word.

  Ty only prayed the FBI agent continued to be honest…or there were going to be a whole lot more bodies stacked on the side of the Central Road.

  He rose from the bed and carried Mia to the bathroom, where he washed their bodies with warm water from the hot springs. It was almost impossible not to let his hands linger over her soft curves as he gently rinsed the slick and come from her thighs.

  Almost as hard as resisting the urge to bring her back to bed and make her just as dirty again.

  But somehow Ty managed to get them both out the door and into his truck without letting his desire take over.

  They were halfway down the road when he realized that she hadn't spoken. Her face was turned away from him, her unfocused gaze on the passing scenery.

  Her scent was rich and complex, equal parts contentment and worry. There was no tension in her shoulders, but her thoughts were far away.

  Ty cupped his hand over her knee. "You with me?" he asked.

  Mia shook her head and flashed a smile, as though she was bringing herself out a deep well of thought. "Yeah, I'm fine."

  "You're not having second thoughts, are you?"


  Ty raised an eyebrow. What did she think?

  "Claiming you?" She said the words as though they were utterly absurd. "No. I was just wondering if going to the bar is a good idea. Maybe you were right before, and we'd be safer inside the cabin."

  Ty scowled. He tightened his grip on her knee, hoping to calm her. "You're mine now," he assured her. "And once the world knows that, they'll leave us in peace."

  But he could feel her tense. "I don't know how long it's been since you've been out in the beta world, but that's not how things work. People never leave you alone. Not when they want something from you."

  Ty brought his hand back to the steering wheel and gripped it tight. The beta world. He knew what she really meant by that.

  Her friends.

  Her father.

  The people who had used her up then threw her out.

  Now they wanted her back so they could continue to make her life hell.

  "No one is going to hurt you, Mia," he said. "Never again. While I'm alive, you're safe."

  Mia surprised him by edging across the seat toward him, resting her head against the bulge of his bicep.

  "Thank you," she said softly.

  Ty didn't know how to respond. There didn't seem to be anything he could say that would let her know what her trust meant to him.

  Because it meant everything.

  So, instead of saying a single word, he simply drank in the simple joy of having the woman that meant the world to him sitting at his side.

  The spell was broken when they pulled up to Evander's Bar and the caravan of shiny black vehicles still circled in his parking lot.

  Mia tensed as Ty hit the brakes and cut the engine, turning worried blue eyes up at him.

  "Stay by my side," he told her firmly. "Don't step away even for a second. Understand?"

  Mia nodded.

  The moment they were out of the truck, she grabbed his arm and held on for dear life. Her eyes scanned the crowd of black-suited agents that pressed close around them, gawking.

  "I still don't think this is a good idea," she muttered again.

  Ty stood firm, pulling himself up to his full height. "It will all be over
in a couple of minutes," he assured her. "And then we can go on with the rest of our lives."

  "Ty Wick," Agent Christie called as he stepped out from the barricade of the cars. "I'm glad to see you again."

  The beta didn't look like he was lying. Ty sniffed the air. He didn't smell like it either.

  "I'm happy to hear that," Ty said when he was satisfied. "I wasn't sure what kind of welcome to expect after what happened yesterday."

  Christie's expression tightened. "I can't tell you how upset and sorry I am about that," he said. "I assure you neither I nor anyone on my team had any knowledge or involvement."

  Ty believed him.

  Mia was still hesitant, though. Her grip on his arm tightened even more. After all that had happened yesterday, Ty didn't blame her.

  "Mia, this is Agent Christie of the FBI," he said, not taking his eyes off the phalanx of armed men.

  Christie nodded in greeting but didn't reach out to shake her hand.

  Given everything he knew about betas, Ty was impressed by just how much the agent had learned about alpha culture. There were plenty of professors and scholars who researched life in the Boundarylands. Christie had not only taken the time to learn, he clearly respected their ways.

  "Ms. Wick," Christie said, using her new name. "Or would you prefer Mrs.?"

  Mia looked Christie up and down. "Ms. is fine," she said coldly.

  "So…you know?" Ty asked Christie.

  With a hint of a smile, he said, "I think it's safe to say that anyone looking at the pair of you would know that you are mated."

  Ty pulled his shoulders back, standing a little taller.

  Good. That was exactly what he was hoping for. The more people knew, the less likely they would be to think they could fuck with his omega.

  Just to be sure, though, Ty pulled back the collar of his shirt, revealing the red mark underneath. "Do you still think this will be enough to call off this circus?"

  "I certainly hope so," the agent said. "At the very least, I consider that matter settled."

  Ty noted how carefully the man had chosen his words. He wasn't the type to make promises he couldn't deliver on. Especially when he wasn't the one who made the final decisions.

  "And what about the others?" Ty asked.

  "You mean those who authorized the mission to trespass on your property?" Christie said, choosing his words carefully.

  "They authorized a hell of a lot more than that."

  "What do you mean?"

  So, the man didn't know. Not surprising. Ty doubted that the beta military liked to share the news of their assassination attempts.

  "I didn't just kill that soldier because he trespassed on my property," Ty said. "I broke his neck because he had a gun to my omega's head."

  Christie's lips tightened. The beta's scent deepened with anger…but not surprise.

  "The soldier said the order came from my father," Mia added, her voice tinged with a deep sadness that cut Ty down to the bone.

  "I'm so sorry," Christie said, genuine regret in his voice.

  "What kind of man would a man want his own daughter murdered?" Ty demanded.

  "You don't know my father," Mia said. "Public opinion is everything to him. Obviously, my change has made me a liability."

  "There has been a lot of news coverage," Christie admitted. "Vans parked outside your family home. Speculation on what led to you coming to the Boundarylands in the first place, and what the senator will do next."

  "He must have looked over the data and determined that a rescued daughter didn't lift him in the polls as much as a martyred one." She said the words so easily as if she'd already thought this through.

  Apparently, Christie agreed. "Martyred? You think the senator wanted to pin your death on the alphas?"

  "The trespasser said as much," Ty said.

  "And it fits the way my father operates," she said. Ty wasn't sure if it was his presence, or that she was coming to trust Christie, but she'd definitely regained her courage. "This way, he could kill two birds with one stone—lift his popularity and give him an anti-alpha platform to run on."

  "Voters do love a boogieman to blame for all their problems," Christie agreed.

  Ty gritted his teeth. "Do you think the bastard will come after her again?"

  Christie let out a hard breath. A determined light shone in his eyes.

  "I don't know," he said. "But I can promise you that I'll do everything in my power to stop him if he does."

  Ty scanned the line of government vehicles. The RV was still there, but he didn't detect any sign of the frightened little shits he'd pummeled last time.

  "Are they still here?"

  Christie didn't ask him to clarify. "No. After they got out of the hospital, we shipped Dustin and Josh down to the Sacramento jail. After a few sleepless nights, they were more than willing to answer all our questions."

  Ty nodded. "So, this is goodbye then," he said, holding out his hand.

  The beta took it. "Looks like it."

  Christie's grip wasn't nearly as strong as Ty's, but he resisted the urge to show dominance by increasing the pressure. Christie had shown him respect, a good deal of it. And Ty appreciated that.

  "I doubt you'll miss us," Christie said. "And please don't take offense when I say that I hope we never have to meet again."

  Ty smiled. He understood perfectly.

  Agent Christie turned and headed back toward his men, making a circle above his head with his hand. "Okay, people, let's wrap it up and get back home."

  Ty didn't stick around to ensure the betas really were tearing down their command center. Christie's word was good enough for him.

  Instead, he wrapped his arm around Mia and pulled her tightly to his side. "That wasn't so bad."

  "No, it wasn't," she agreed. Still, she held back as he started for the bar. "You're not taking me in there, are you?"

  "Where else would we be going?"

  "Home," she answered.

  "This bar is my home," he said.

  Chapter Twelve

  Mia didn't like bars. She never had—not since the day she'd walked into her first one on her twenty-first birthday.

  She had no objection to a drink or two at home or at parties or concerts. But never bars.

  There was something deeply uncomfortable about the atmosphere of every one she'd ever stepped inside, a disagreeable mixture of cramped spaces, strangers, and alcohol. They felt like places where anything could happen…none of it good.

  And now Ty was telling her he owned one.

  Which meant that so did she.

  She trailed behind him, allowing him to tug her up the steps to the door.

  Memories of the last time she was here came roaring back into her head. Propped up against the side…tasting Ty for the first time…feeling the exquisite pleasure of his touch.

  She felt the heat rising in her cheeks.

  Ty must have sensed the change in her because he squeezed her hands a little harder.

  "That's right, sweetheart," he whispered in her ear. "I remember too."

  Mia's face burned with embarrassment as he pulled the door open. She ducked as they entered, staying in his shadow.

  She wasn't sure why. There was one thing she'd learned in her short time in the Boundarylands--it was impossible to hide anything from an alpha.

  Still, she couldn't resist peeking around his back as soon as they were inside. There were over a dozen alphas in the room. Some were clustered around the pool table, others lined the bar, but at the moment, all of them were staring straight at her.

  Mia didn't feel totally comfortable being the center of attention, but she wasn't afraid. All she had to do was tighten her grip on Ty's arm, and she felt totally safe.

  It also helped that when she looked at all the alphas, she only saw curiosity. There was no malice in their eyes. No anger.

  Mia managed to lift her head high as Ty led her toward the hinged gate in the center of the bar. A hint of a smile flashed on the fa
ce of the dark-haired alpha serving drinks.

  "You must be Mia," he said.

  She recognized the alpha's voice from her porch days before. "And you must be Samson."

  His smile grew. He picked up a bar towel and slapped it over his shoulder. "It's nice to finally meet you face to face."

  "You too."

  Samson addressed Ty. "Heard you talking out there. You really think they're leaving for good?"

  No matter how many times Mia experienced it, she was amazed by how finely tuned the alphas' senses were. It made her wonder at their limits. How far they away they could hear, smell, and sense.

  "Christie's been good to his word so far," Ty said with a shrug "I have no reason to doubt him."

  "Well, I won't be happy until every last one of those bastards is back over the boundary line," one of the alphas sitting at the bar grumbled.

  "Fuck, Zeke, you ain't ever happy," one by of the pool table laughed.

  "That's 'cause I'm stuck looking at your ugly mug every time I come for a beer."

  Laughter filled the bar.

  Mia had to admit that the mood was lighter than she'd expected, but she still wasn't totally comfortable here. Just like the first time she set foot in Ty's cabin, it was clear that she was out of place. She couldn't escape the feeling that she didn't belong.

  "Listen up, everyone," Ty's booming voice filled the room.

  Instantly, the place went quiet. All heads turned his way. Mia tensed as Ty pulled her toward the center of the bar.

  "This is my omega, Mia," he said. "She's going to be with me here from now on."

  Wait. What?

  Mia stared up at Ty with a mixture of shock and horror. She didn't know the first thing about working in a bar, let alone an alpha bar.

  "What about Nicky?" the pool-playing alpha asked.

  Ty shrugged. "What about her?"

  "You still going to welcome her and the girls here every Friday?"

  The room fell silent again. Mia felt their expectant eyes on her.

  Really? They wanted her permission to let the sex workers come to the bar? There was still so much about the alpha/omega culture that Mia didn't understand.

  Even so, she was painfully aware of how rare omegas were. There were no dating apps in the Boundarylands. No clubs or coffee shops to meet that special someone. Just Nicky and her girls.