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Ty (The Boundarylands Omegaverse Book 2) Page 4

  Four straight days of fucking would do that.

  Not that he was complaining. His omega's heat had been amazing, more intense than he'd dared to dream. After their first mating, she'd slipped into a fog of primal lust. During that time, she didn't speak, didn't eat, barely slept. All she'd craved was his cock.

  And Ty had been only too happy to give her what she needed.

  He pulled on a pair of pants and stared down at her exhausted body. For the first time since carrying her back to his cabin, his omega was still. Curled up in his sheets, her hair splayed across his pillow, he could admire how beautiful she really was. How fragile.

  Ty pushed back the urge to throw off his clothes and slip back under the covers with her. She needed to rest. Her body had been through so much. The change in her nature, and her first heat, had drained her completely—but she would have to wake soon. She needed to eat.

  And he needed answers.

  Ty knew he'd made a mistake trying to pry them from her too soon. With her first heat coming on, she'd been too overwhelmed to think straight. There were too many hormones, too many emotions, all of them new.

  But now things were different. Mia's true nature had bloomed, their biological needs had been fulfilled, and their bond was undeniable.

  Once she woke up, she would tell him everything—who she really was, why she'd come to the Boundarylands, and who had hurt her.

  Ty stepped into his kitchen and lit a fire in the stove. He was in the middle of frying an egg when he heard the faint, faraway crunch of footsteps coming toward his house. Tilting his head back, he tested the air.

  Samson. A friend.

  The other alpha was taking care to make as much noise as possible as he cut across Ty's land. His steps were slow and heavy. They fell loudly on twigs and old leaves. He even conspicuously coughed a couple times. His friend wanted to make it evident that company was coming.

  Which could only mean one thing.

  Others knew about his omega.

  Ty's jaw tightened. He wasn't sure how he felt about that.

  The Boundarylands were separate from the beta world, but they didn't exist in a vacuum. There were always consequences when an omega found her alpha.


  Ty had enough time to finish frying his egg and throw it on a piece of buttered bread before Samson reached his porch. Letting himself out the front door and sitting down on the top step, Ty waited for the other alpha to emerge from the trees.

  "You took your sweet ass-time out there," he called when Samson finally showed his face.

  "I thought you'd be grateful for the warning," the other alpha said with a shrug. Samson gave Ty a once-over, his dark gaze showing a mix of amusement and concern.

  "I appreciate it." Ty let out a long breath. "So, you know."

  His friend nodded. "I do."

  "How many others?"

  Samson stopped at the edge of Ty's porch and leaned his shoulder against the tall support beam. He tilted his head, his expression thoughtful.

  "At this point?" his friend said. "Pretty much everybody."

  "How did you figure it out?"

  Samson raised a brow. "Are you kidding? It was obvious."

  Obvious? "When Kian found his omega in front of a packed bar, that was fucking obvious. What the hell did I do?"

  "You left behind a pool of come and omega slick large enough to be sensed from miles away," Samson said. "Then you disappeared for four days. Pick whatever word you want to describe what happened—as long as it ain't subtle."

  Ty didn't fully appreciate the laughter shining in his friend's eyes. Samson might've been a friend and an alpha brother, but right now, his sense of humor was a pain in the ass.

  "I take it people are pissed off that Evander's has been closed so long," Ty said.

  Evander's Bar wasn't just some roadhouse. In the years since Ty had taken ownership of the place, it had become the center of alpha life in the Pacific Northwest Boundarylands.

  The bar wasn't just where his brothers came to do their drinking and socializing, but it was also where they picked up their supplies and traded with the beta world. Four days was a long time for it to be closed.

  Samson ran a hand over the back of his neck. "Among other things."

  Ty narrowed his gaze. "What other things?"

  Samson's chest rose with a deep breath but didn't fall on the exhale. That and the following pause made Ty think this might be more than just a friendly visit.

  His friend, Samson, might've been the biggest alpha in their little section of the world, but he'd always been a little different. More thoughtful than most. More open. Some even whispered that he'd developed feelings for a beta, something Ty didn't want to believe.

  But on top of all that, he was also the most diplomatic. Bad news always sounded better coming from Samson.

  "Outsiders arrived two days ago," Samson said carefully, all humor gone from his voice.

  His omega's people. They had to be. Ty tensed. If they were the ones who'd hurt her, he'd…

  Dark thoughts swirled in Ty's head. Dozens of violent possibilities floated through his mind. So many ways to make them suffer.

  "They still coming by?" Ty asked.

  "That's the thing," Samson said with a sigh. "They never left. They've set up camp in Evander's parking lot."

  Set up camp? What the hell was that about? No beta ever stayed in the Boundarylands for days on end. Not even the most determined family members.

  "Is it her parents?" Ty asked.

  Samson shook his head. "Beta cops," he said. "Lots of them. Some of them local. Some federal. It looks like they're prepared to stay for a while. They've brought command vehicles and armored trucks."

  What the fuck? Ty pressed his lips together. All this for one little omega—the one who was sound asleep in his bed. Who the hell was she?

  "What do they want?" Ty asked.

  "A girl named Mia Baird. Five-foot six. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. On the slight side. Sound familiar?"

  Mia Baird. So now he knew her name.


  "Turns out your omega is the daughter of a senator."

  Ty curled his fingers, tightening his hands into fists. Was that supposed to mean something to him? He didn't give a single shit who her father was. She didn't belong to that world anymore.

  She was an omega. His omega. On his land. In his bed. No one had any claim to her but him.

  No matter how many armored trucks rolled in.

  "A senator should know the treaties better than anyone," Ty said through tight lips. "Beta law stops at the boundary. He has no rights over an omega."

  "He has no rights over a claimed omega," Samson clarified. "And since I don't see a bite on your shoulder, I'm guessing there's no bite on hers either."

  "She's still sleeping off her first heat," Ty growled. "There hasn't been an opportunity."

  Samson shot him a severe look—a rare occurrence from his friend. "Then you need to find an opportunity. And soon. Not just for your sake, but for everyone's."

  "What does that mean?"

  "Tensions are running high, Ty," Samson answered. "On both sides, and the longer Evander's stays closed, the worse it gets. Our brothers can't stand the outsiders taking over the only neutral ground in the area, and the betas don't like that we won't answer their questions."

  The relationship between the alpha and beta worlds was strained under the best of circumstances, but once tempers flared, bloodshed inevitably followed.

  "You wouldn't be willing to take over operations at the bar for a few days, would you?" Ty asked his friend.

  Samson slowly nodded. He didn't seem all that surprised to be asked. He'd probably been thinking of a similar solution.

  Opening the bar would give the alphas in the area a place to drink and blow off steam. It wouldn't make the outsiders leave, but it would make them easier to deal with.

  "As long as you realize that's only a temporary solution," Samson said. "You're going to need
to come down and talk to these outsiders before they get it into their heads to come up here and talk to you."

  Ty's blood heated at the thought of strangers trespassing onto his land. Of them coming anywhere close to his omega.

  But as much as his instincts rebelled at the thought of leaving her behind, Ty recognized the truth in Samson's words. The sooner he took care of this beta invasion, the better.

  For everyone.

  "I'll come down today," he said. "They're not going to like what they hear, though. Might make things worse."

  "I don't know," Samson said, pushing himself off the post. "I spoke with the outsider in charge of the whole operation. He seems reasonable…for a beta."

  Ty nodded. Usually he wouldn't believe that description of a beta cop, but he trusted Samson.

  "I'll be down this afternoon," Ty said. "As soon as she…Mia…is up and settled."

  Her name felt good on his lips, but he didn't like the bitter taste of having to learn it from someone else.

  "I'm glad to hear it," Samson said. He took a step backward, ready to make the hike back to his own land. "And congratulations."

  "Wait." Ty rose from his seat on the step, stopping Samson when he was only a few feet away. "Did these outsiders explain what she was doing here in the first place?"

  "Apparently, she's a runaway," Samson said. "Something about an argument with her boyfriend."

  Ty's back teeth ground against each other as his jaw snapped shut.

  An argument.

  The kind that led to a bruised cheek and busted knee.

  Chapter Five


  Oh, no. Mia nestled deeper into the soft nest of pillows. The last time she'd allowed something to lure her out of the warm, comforting cocoon of sleep, she'd instantly regretted it. She wasn't about to make that mistake again.

  This time it wasn't the sunlight trying to break through the blissful respite of her dreams, but a low rumbling voice. One that fell over her, covering and comforting her like a heavy blanket.

  "Mia, wake up."

  One that knew her name.

  Oh, shit.

  Consciousness crashed into Mia's mind like a brick thrown through a window.

  She'd never told the alpha her name. She was sure of that. Hell, for the last few days, she could barely remember it herself. Which meant he'd found out some other way.

  Her eyes popped open. The alpha's hulking body loomed over the side of the bed. She didn't think it was possible, but somehow he looked even bigger than before.

  For a second, she was amazed that she'd been able to take him inside of her body at all. Let alone practically non-stop for several days straight.

  No wonder every part of her felt so stiff and sore.

  "How did you learn my name?" she asked, struggling to sit up in bed. Her arms were weak. Her legs, too.

  And her core muscles…those were beyond sore. If Mia didn't know better, she would have thought she'd spent the better part of a week with the world's most brutal physical trainer…which wasn't far from the truth.

  The alpha crossed his arms. "People are looking for you."


  Dustin and Josh.

  It had to be.

  They'd come back. How long had they been looking for her? A day? Two? Mia shook her head, only now realizing she wasn't sure how much time had passed since the alpha had found her.

  It didn't matter. The important thing was that Dustin was looking for her. He'd manned up, faced his fears, and asked alphas where she was. It was almost enough to make Mia forgive him.


  Adrenaline started to pump through her vein, and she glanced around the room looking for her dress. It had to be here somewhere

  She tried to jump out of bed to find it, but her legs were far too tired to hold her up. Her knee buckled the second she put weight on it, and she crumpled to the ground. She would have landed hard on her ass, but Ty caught her at the last second. Sliding one arm under her legs and the other around her shoulders, he hoisted her up and cradled her against his chest.

  "Where do you think you're going?" he said.

  "You said there were people out there."

  His brows lowered. Deep lines creased his forehead. "Not outside the door. Even if they were, what were you going to do? Run to them? Beg them to take you away?"

  The alpha's scowl deepened.

  Was that what she was doing? Mia wasn't entirely sure.

  Just a few days ago, she would have done anything to get out of the Boundarylands, but now she was conflicted. A part of her still wanted to leave. To get back to school. To her friends. To her regular life.

  But another part of her—a deeper, more fundamental part—felt a connection growing between her and the alpha. A connection she wasn't sure she could walk away from even if she tried.

  Which was ridiculous, considering that she didn't even know the man's name.

  "I don't know," she admitted. "All I know is that they're looking for me."

  "I never said they were going to find you," he said, carrying her into the next room. "No one is ever going to take you away from me. Ever."


  Mia swallowed past the lump in her throat. His tone was so harsh. He spoke every word like it was a sacred oath.

  "But you don't understand," she tried. "Dustin has to be worried si—"

  "Dustin?" the alpha froze mid-step. "Is that his name? The boyfriend you ran away from?"

  What? She hadn't run from anyone. She'd been left behind. Tossed out like a bag of garbage.

  But Mia couldn't tell him that. Right now, his eyes were burning with an anger that scared the shit out of her. Rage like that paired with a strength that could tear the arms off a bear was a dangerous combination.

  At least all his murderous intent wasn't directed at her.

  For the moment.

  Mia tightened her jaw. She couldn't let all his aggression be directed at Dustin either. Or even Josh. She'd be signing their death sentences.

  Even though Mia could feel the tension rippling through his body, the alpha was gentle as he laid her down on the couch. In front of her on the table was a massive plate brimming with delicious smelling food—toast, and cheese, and eggs. Next to that was a steaming hot cup of coffee. Mia's stomach growled with hunger.

  The alpha gestured toward the plate with a tilt of his head. "Eat."

  Mia blinked in confusion. He'd made this for her?

  Him? An alpha?

  She sat up and pulled the plate closer. She took a bite. Damn, it was good…and she was so hungry. Before she knew it, Mia was shoveling bite after bite into her mouth.

  The alpha sat in the chair across from her and watched her. His face didn't soften exactly—shit, she wasn't even sure it could—but he did seem pleased to see her eat.

  "Feeling better?" he asked when she started to slow down.

  "A little."

  "Good. Now you can give me a straight answer," he said. "Is Dustin the one who hit you?"

  Mia looked down. "I told you. I was hurt in an accident."

  "That's a lie." He didn't sound angry, just so damn sure of himself. "Never lie to your alpha."

  Maybe it was the hunger, or the soreness in her muscles, or the non-stop stress, but Mia couldn't help letting out a humorless laugh.

  "How can you be my anything?" She dared to look up, staring him straight in the eye. "You couldn't have learned my name more than a couple of hours ago, and I still don't know yours."

  The muscles along his jaw tightened. "Ty Wick."

  Ty. The name fit him.

  "That was just an example. I still don't know anything about you. Not really."

  "You know how it feels to ease the need of your heat around my cock. You know what it means to lose yourself as my knot expands inside you."

  Heat flooded Mia's cheeks. Was he trying to shame her, or just drive his point home? Either way, it was working.

  "That's just sex," she said. "Biological urges.
It's not the same as intimacy."

  "No?" The fury was back in his gaze. "What intimate details does this Dustin know about you?"

  Not many, Mia admitted to herself. She'd had some good times with Dustin in the first few months of their relationship, but she'd known better than to trust him with her secrets. Her father had pounded that point into her head from a young age.

  People can't be trusted.

  There's no such thing as loyalty.

  The only person looking out for you is you.

  As much as Mia hated to admit it, her father was right.

  "Nothing," she said. "I already said you don't have to worry about him. He's not a threat to you."

  A dark smile lifted Ty's lips. "I know that."

  "Then I don't understand," Mia said. "Why won't you let me see him?"

  "Because he's not the one looking for you."

  What? Mia's stomach dropped.

  "Then who is?"

  "Your father."

  Oh, shit.

  That was bad. Very bad. If her father knew she was here in the Boundarylands, he'd stop at nothing to get her out…at least until the press found out.

  "My dad is here?"

  Ty shook his head. "I doubt it. I've never heard of any important betas passing over the boundary. Certainly no senators."

  Mia closed her eyes. She felt the blood drain from her face. Her fingers and toes tingled as an ominous feeling stole over her.

  God, Ty knew who her father was. What he was.

  If only she'd stayed home instead of going with Dustin to that fucking festival.

  But no. She had given in to her rebellious urges. To break free and live a little, just like she always dreamed of. And where had it got her? In deep shit, just like her father always warned her it would.

  "Then who's here?"

  "Outsider cops," Ty answered. "Both locals and feds."

  The FBI was involved? That must have meant the press knew about her disappearance. If they didn't, her father wouldn't have bothered with official channels. He would have sent in a covert ops team that could take care of the issue quietly.

  The presence of the FBI didn't mean she was safe, though. Mia could only guess what her father planned to do with her after he dragged her out of the Boundarylands. The thought sent chills up her spine.